Universal Fiber Optics

We got an introduction to Universal Fiber Optics, which was a refresher in fiber optics to some of us and a general introduction to fiber optics as a whole to others. UFO showed us several versions of their LED illuminators as well as a metal halide illuminator to compare. Within their LED products, they offer both white and RGBW illuminators. They had a high output white LED illuminator prototype that should be available in another 6 weeks. UFO has a wide variety of fittings for varied installation types including pavers, downlight, decorative sparkle, crystal, hermatic and lenses. They offer both glass and plastic fiber, with glass available in shorter maximum run than the plastic.

We also got to see some of their products designed for cabinet and display lighting including their light tube and MetroLED which incorporates individual spotlights as well as linear strips into a track system that works well for customizable display lighting.

Their cutsheets are not as detailed as we would like, because each project and its requirements are so unique. They will, however, provide installation instructions as well as advise on any customization the project might require.